
2018.07.22 | Yuki Rea

[null] is a brand that I have established in 2014 to provide various services, information, and sell products under. While not at my full time job, I work on projects here in my small office. A variety of hardware, software, artwork, and documentation has already been created under the [null] brand.

About Me

My name is Yuki Rea, I am a technology enthusiast who likes to spend my free time tinkering, programming, modifying, creating, breaking and repairing things. To learn more about me, visit my profile by clicking my name. At this time, I take care of all site operations by myself, please keep this in mind when making a request.

About This Site

I built this site from scratch with nothing more than the text editor VIM and a web browser. No existing platforms or frameworks were utilized, everything was built from the ground up. I wanted this site to have good performance even on older, low performance systems. This site uses almost no client-side scripting like JavaScript, all processing is done server-side using PHP so it runs well even on aging devices. The UI was inspired by classical desktop computer user interfaces, specifically taking design elements from GUI file managers such as Windows XP's "Explorer" and the open source application "Thunar". I believe screen space and time are precious resources and should not be wasted. There are no animations to waste your time and no adds to take up valuable screen space and slow down performance. The UI was designed with multiple devices in mind and works well on a wide range of display sizes. The greyscale color palette was chosen to put content first by not altering the viewer's perception of artwork caused by adjacent colors. The pale green accent color was chosen to resemble the green phosphor glow of old monochrome CRT monitors.


You can find articles featuring a variety of technology and design related content via The Archive or Articles page.


We offer services varying from custom computer systems design and assembly to graphic design and more. You can browse all currently available services by visiting the Services category in our store.


Original products are available via the Products section of our store. We also sell refurbished computer parts and electronics in the Hardware section from time to time so be sure to check periodically if interested.

Support Us

To protect your privacy and improve the experience of using the site, [null] features no advertisements or tracking scripts to help pay for operating costs and living expenses. Office space and hosting is payed for out-of-pocket. If you enjoy or find our content useful, consider purchasing one of our products/services or making a donation to help support us. You can use the following links to donate or visit our store.

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